Helmut Remschmidt Research Seminar 2023

The deadline for call for nomination is May 22nd, 2023.

Helmut Remschmidt Research Seminar 2023 - Building research capacity to support child development, mental health challenges and the future of nations


The Helmut Remschmidt Research Seminar (HRRS) Series is a prestigious international seminar series organized under the auspices of the IACAPAP (International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions). The format is a 5-day residential research training workshop for about 20 young/emerging child and adolescent mental health researchers, organized in the country that will host the next IACAPAP Congress. The seminar combines teaching/discussion and mentored work on research projects. Topics include research design, presentation skills, review etc. The main purpose of the seminars is to inspire young and emerging researchers to do research in child and adolescent mental health and build a community of Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH) researchers. The product of the research workshops is the submission of an abstract for the next IACAPAP conference.


The 2023 Helmut Remschmidt Research Seminar (HRRS2023)

The 2024 IACAPAP Congress will be held in Rio de Janeiro, the first ever IACAPAP meeting in the Latin-American Region. For this reason, the HRRS2023 will take place in Brazil. Successful HRRS Fellows will be joined by a team of international mentors (Prof Bruno Falissard, Prof Christina Schwenck, Prof Maretha de Jonge and Prof Petrus de Vries) as well as one local mentor (Dr Lizzie Shephard).


Dates and location of the Seminar

The seminar will be held from 17-22 September 2023 in Campos do Jordão, in the mountains outside São Paulo in Brazil.



We are delighted that the Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Division, Institute of Psychiatry, University of São Paulo and the ADHD Program at Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre will be sponsoring the accommodation and subsistence of HRRS fellows. Successful candidates are required to seek sponsorship for travel to and from São Paulo from their home institution and countries.


Who is eligible to apply?

The HRRS aims to support early-career, emerging child and adolescent psychiatrists, psychologists and other mental health professionals. For the 2023 Seminar, we will prioritize candidates who are either currently in training at institution in the Latin-American region or who have completed training at a Latin-American institution in the last 3 years. Latin-American applicants in senior clinical or academic posts, and those with extensive research experience will not be considered. Candidates from outside the region will be considered, but they will need to provide a clear motivation indicating intention and/or evidence of working or collaborating with child & adolescent mental health teams or individuals in Latin-American countries.


Nomination Process

Universities, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Organisations and Clinical Units are invited to nominate candidates for participation. Priority will be given to IACAPAP member countries. Interested early-career clinical researchers are encouraged to approach their CAMH organisations, universities or clinical units to discuss nomination.

Please submit the following:

  1. a motivation letter explaining why the nominee would be a good candidate to attend the seminar.
  2. an outline of past and current research activities, including publications, presentations at conferences etc. of the candidate.
  3. CV of candidate.
  4. letter of support from the candidate’s University, Department or Clinical Unit. Where more than one candidate is nominated, the nominating body is asked to rank their nominated candidates.


A panel of reviewers will select candidates from all applications received. The selection panel will aim to include candidates from a range of predominantly Latin-American countries and across child & adolescent mental health disciplines.


Deadline for applications

All nominations/applications need to be submitted electronically to hrrs2023@iacapap2024.com and should be received by May 22nd, 2023. No late or incomplete applications will be considered.

Successful candidates will be informed before the end of June 2023. The IACAPAP Congress Office will support candidates with visa letters for the HRRS.

If you have any queries about criteria for selection or would like to discuss potential nominations, please do not hesitate to contact us through hrrs2023@iacapap2024.com

For further information about the IACAPAP 2024 congress and to join the mailing list, please go to: https://www.iacapap2024.com/


Outline of programme

An outline of the programme will be posted here in due course.

The programme will combine lectures, workshops and small groups working under supervision. Selected candidates will be expected to come to the Seminar with a Powerpoint presentation of their current or proposed research and will be supported to work on their research during the seminar. In addition, the programme will include social activities including exploration of the local culture in fun and collegial settings.

Participants are required to participate in all parts of the programme. English is the official language, and there will be no translation.

For further information about the IACAPAP 2024 congress and to join the mailing list, please go to: hrrs2023@iacapap2024.com


Prof. Petrus de Vries                        Prof. Guilherme V. Polanczyk

HRRS Coordinator                           Local Coordinator   

Event Venue

R. Martinho de Mesquita, 129 - Barra da Tijuca,
Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22620-220

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